About Us
Let me introduce myself
My name is Anna and my name is consonant with one of the highest mountain ranges in the Himalayas - Annapurna. I am the initiator and creator of original tours to Nepal.
My programs are the result of 15 years of work in the hotel industry, in booking and organising excursion programmes and logistics for clients, guests, friends and myself;
this is the result of 30 years of travel experience, my own developments and ideas.
I had wonderful teachers and I am still inspired by their experience and ideas.
I am a philologist and international economist by education. My profession coincides with one of my favorite hobbies: I cannot think of living without journeys. I have visited about 25 countries of the world (to some of which I have returned many times!).
I speak Russian, English, French, can understand Italian and I am learning Nepali.
Why Nepal?
Of all the countries I have visited, Nepal struck me the most. This country will not leave indifferent anyone who comes there: lovers of exotic and oriental cultures, people who want to try themselves at mountain hiking in the Himalayas, or those who love a calm and even meditative way of leisure - everyone will find something for themselves and something special in Nepal. And, I hope, they will fall in love with this country as much as I do.
The main idea of my tours is not just to show the highest mountains on the planet and climb a couple of peaks, but to discover something new for yourself and (which is more important) in yourself. Perhaps (who knows?), to reboot completely and rethink your life.
My motto: "Discover Yourself by Exploring the World"
Our Team
My friends from Russia, Nepal and France are helping me to achieve my goals - caring, warm-hearted and very responsible people who cannot imagine their life without travelling.
We are all a well-coordinated team of hoteliers, translators, psychologists, yoga instructors, and mountain guides. Each of us is a professional in our field of activity.
And we are all united by a love of hiking, mountains and Nepal, its culture, history and its people!
We put our souls into each programme and believe that travelling with us to this incredible country will change your course of life, allow you to reach a new level of perception of yourself and those who are around you, which means that together with you we will make our World a little kinder and more joyful.
✅ those who have already seen a lot of things in life, but haven’t seen the Himalayas yet.
✅ lovers of active recreation and those who want to bring back from their trip not only a boost of energy, but also completely new impressions
✅ those who want to test themselves, overcome, rethink their life, set and achieve a certain goal
✅ passionate, thoughtful and searching people
✅ those who are interested in Asian culture, philosophy and history
✅ tourists who are already tired of mass beach holidays and who want to discover a new destination
✅ just tired residents of big cities who sit most of the time at the computer and solve everyday problems.